Tuesday 31 July 2012


Three Monks is a Chinese animated feature film produced by the Shanghai Animation Film Studio. After the Cultural Revolution and the fall of the political Gang of Four in 1976, the film was one of the first animations created as part of the rebirth period. It is also referred to as The
Three Buddhist Priests.
The film is based on the ancient Chinese proverb "One monk will shoulder two buckets of water; two monks will share the load, but add a third and no one will want to fetch water."The film does not contain any dialogues, allowing it to be watched by any culture, and a different music instrument was used to signify each monk. The film tells the story from the aspect of the Buddhist monks.
  •  A young monk lives a simple life in a temple on top of a hill. He has one daily task of hauling two buckets of water up the hill. 
  • When the second monk came they tries to share the job with each other, but the carry pole is only long enough for one bucket.

Problems Faced by two monks: 

  1. Different opinion leads to conflict.
  2. The bucket position was not defined.
  3. Attitude of first monk was not appropriate towards work.
  4. Height difference between them.
  5. Measuring technique of midpoint was not accurate as both the monks have different hand measurement.
  6. Their work methods lead to conflict

Solutions proposed by students:

1.            One monk can get two buckets of water each alternate day.
2.            Two persons can carry two or even more buckets at a time with a longer stick.
3.            One monk can stand half way to collect buckets from other monk who will fetch water from pond.
4.            Improve the attitude of the first monk.
5.            The Position of monks should be in such a way that first monk always on uphill side so as to match heights.

Actual Solution:

First monk takes out a scale and measures the midpoint and then they properly carry the water bucket by sharing the load nicely.
  • The arrival of a third monk prompts everyone to expect that someone else will take on the chore. Consequently, no one fetches water though everybody is thirsty. At night, a rat comes to scrounge and then knocks the candle holder, leading to a devastating fire in the temple. The three monks finally unite together and make a concerted effort to put out the fire. Since then they understand the old saying "unity is strength" and begin to live a harmonious life. The temple never lacks water again.

Now where is the Management???

This video teaches many important lessons of Management:


To put out the fire each monk panicked and tried his best to run down to the river and bring the bucket full of water. But this process was long and tiring, and also had too many glitches on the road. So it proved to be ineffective. But later coordinated effort dosed of fire very easily and without being tired.

Complex Problems, Simple Solutions:

 The motto of decision making for any manager in an organization is to give simple solutions. When the first two monks were trying to push the weight of the bucket towards each other, were many solutions given by the class.class has given many solutions but the actual solution was very simple just to measure the midpoint of the stick.


Earlier the ego of the three monks was interfering with the performance of daily tasks, each believing that the other two should be the ones to go downhill to fetch water. When a fire breaks out, however, they understand the importance of teamwork and thus work together to save the temple. So, from this we learn that in an organization and in a team, it’s important to take personal vanity out and to perform the duty at hand so that there is no regret later.

Conflict Resolution:

To achieve goals, it’s important to take personal vanity out and to perform the duty at hand. Like the three monks did after the fire breaks out.

Scientific Management:

First monk uses proper measuring device for measuring the midpoint of the stick and in the end monks uses pulley to carry water were the examples of scientific management.


From the above video analysis, we have come to the following conclusion:
•           One monk carrying water everyday will become boring after a while but two monks carrying water will not be boring and productivity will not be hampered.
The productivity increases with the increase in the number of persons
•           There is more than 100% increase in the production with 100% increase in resources with good co-ordination
•           Disputes and conflicts are bound to arise but they need to be minimized so as to make the most out of the available resources.
•           Team work and coordination are the main keys of success.

Sr. No.
Method 1 :One person bringing two buckets
Method 2 :Two persons bringing one bucket
Method 3:Pulley is incorporated
Input - No. of People
Effort (In Joule)
        Very Less
  (Almost Negligible)
Output - No. of Buckets
100/1 = 100 J
80/2 = 40 J
Much More
Direct - Personal
Indirect – Instantaneous
Task role
Highly Dependent
Work changes
Midpoint Identification
Innovative work practices
Work life balance
Philosophy of work life
Work for death. Protestant work ethic
Work to live
Human Nature
Theory X
Theory Y
Theory Z

Tuesday 17 July 2012

LE03: Principles of Organizational Management

Valley Crossing

Goal: Goal is the purpose that an organization strives to achieve. Here the goal is to cross valley safely from one side to other side.

Team strength: 3 members

Task: The task is to make all the 3 members to cross the valley safely. The distance between the cliffs is more than 1 step and less than 2 steps. Hence this will ensure that every person is in the air( in danger) once. The team has to make sure that they reach the other end safely
This Task is structured in such a way that:
Ø  Every one shares equal risk during the task.
Ø  Interdependence among 3 members is crucial
Ø  Trust between team is necessary
Ø  Communication and feedback across 3 members are instantaneous
Ø  Distance between two persons are more than 1 step but lesser than 2

Lessons Learnt:

1.    Instantaneous communication:

                    Communication between executives and feedback across them should be spontaneous in order to succeed goal. Communication in the above task was important so as to convey your position and feelings.

2.    Trust-

             Trust also plays an important role. Whenever a manager assign a task to his employee the employee should have faith in him and others team members and should also be trusted by others for gaining maximum possible output from the task. This was shown very well in the above task. The person hanging has to have complete faith in his teammates about their ability only then the goal can be achieved.

3.    Team work:

              Of course Individual can’t complete the task by his own. And if employee doesn’t work as a team the result comes out more likely to be as happens in figure. Teamwork is absolutely necessary while carrying out this task. If anyone fails, the whole purpose would be failed.

Friday 6 July 2012

Principle of Organizational Management LE02

Khan Academy – Educating World

The Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization, created in 2006 by Bangladeshi American educator Salman Khan, a graduate of MIT and Harvard Business School. The website supplies a free online collection of more than 3,200 micro lectures via video tutorials stored on YouTube teaching mathematics,history, healthcare and medicine, finance, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, economics, cosmology, organic chemistry, American civics, art history, macroeconomics and microeconomics, and computer science.

Mission: Providing a high quality education to anyone, anywhere.

Who is Khan?

Khan speaking at the TED conference in 2011
Born in New Orleans, Louisiana in an Indo-Bangladeshi family khan was raised by his mother in New Orleans. Salman Khan holds three degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: a BS in mathematics, in electrical engineering and computer science as well MS in electrical engineering and computer science. He also holds an MBA from Harvard Business School. So he is quite an interesting personality to be write about. But what he did earlier is nothing in comparison to what he did by founding Khan Academy.

The Birth of Khan Academy

In late 2004, Khan began tutoring his cousin Nadia in mathematics using Yahoo!'s Doodle notepad. When other relatives and friends sought similar help, he decided it would be more practical to distribute the tutorials on YouTube.  Then something interesting has happened. The feedback he got from his cousins and friends is that they preferred him on YouTube than in person which actually makes sense because a video can be paused and repeated many times. This gives flexibility to beginners who are perplexed with class room teaching. May be they could not catch the teacher's pace or they could caught up with some other stuff in class rooms. This encouraged him to take this social cause forward. Now this project is funded by donations. It receives fund from Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and Google. Google has listed it as top 10 ideas having potential to change the world. Lot of people have donated big amount to the organization.

Learning management from Khan Academy

Theory X and Theory Y Learning

Khan Academy is fine exampe of theory Y concept. According to manager of Theory Y Employees are willing to work. Same as that Khan Academy thinks that no matter how slow the student might be but he is always willing to learn. What he requires is a proper guidance and pace.

Appropriate Use of Skills:

1.         Technical Skills:-
  • Khan uses his technical skills of website designing, knowledge of high schools subject and his analysis experience for making Khan Academy possible.

2.         Human Skills:-
  • Khan knew that learning ability of every students are different and thus develop a course to satisfy global needs.

3.         Conceptual Skills:-
  • Khan has sound knowledge of high school subjects and basic concepts.